Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thank you

Thank you Wendy for the plant money! Wendy read my sad sack post last week about wanting to spend money on things for my pots and sent me an early birthday present. I dragged Jeff to Swanson's nursery and he refused to take Edie out of her carseat. Point of contention, but I took the path of least resistance and let her stay. As you can tell, she was obviously really upset.

Me in the background picking out plants. Edie in the foreground, chilling.

End results: Ranunculus and anemone flowers, succulents, purple sage, dwarf curry (smells just like Indian food!), and chives:

And some strawberries:

Swansons may be my favorite place in Seattle. At least top 5. It's like being in a candy store - I get so overwhelmed by things I want that I sometimes leave with nothing at all. If I can't have them all, I'd rather have nothing. I still have a few more pots to fill but these make me happy every time I walk by them on my way to the front door. I can't wait to pick these strawberries (maybe even feed them to Edie!) and snip chives this summer.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Your new pot looks great! I think if I get THAT much gardening done this year I'll be happy. Must focus on the interior. Looks so springy! I like your selections.