Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Daily Note: July 7, 2009

My weekend in photos:

The first thing you should know about this weekend is that it was HOT. Too hot. Here is a picture of Maurice and I, lounging on the bed with the fan strategically blowing on us at max power. If I could lay on my back like Maurice is, I would have. This is how we spent most of Friday the 3rd:

The only exception to this sloth like behavior is when I got it in my head to bake a blueberry pie. This was a good idea because pie is delicious, but a bad idea because all that work and turning the oven on made me more hot. That said, I was still pumped to partake in my pie that night.

On the 4th, I got smart and spent most of the day reading my book at the Northgate Barnes and Noble where they have the best air conditioning ever. That evening we headed to Eastlake where our friends with a roof deck were throwing a party. Here is me and my belly enjoying the burger buffet:

If you can't tell by my cranky face, it was HOT on the roof deck. So we went inside where I resumed one of my favorite positions:

Once the sun started to set and the temperature dropped, we headed back up:

Truthfully, I was also lured by the mention of Trophy cupcakes on the roof:

On Sunday I did more or less nothing, which was exactly what I was interested in doing. Except I did find one burst of motivation to make a giant batch of pesto for freezing:

Thankfully, on Sunday night some crazy winds blew in and the temperature dropped from 90 to 70 overnight. 32 weeks pregnant plus 70 degrees is a much better combo. Unfortunately, the cooler weather has proven that my feet are indeed growing and it wasn't just the heat making them swell. Pretty sure it's flip flops from here on out. My main struggles at this stage in my pregnancy seem to be getting a good night's sleep and my intensifying hip pain, particularly in the left hip. Otherwise, I think things are moving along as they should. The nursery is finally starting to come together. We're in the process of shifting furniture around to see what works best and toying with different art for the walls. Hopefully we'll have pictures to share towards the end of the month.

1 comment:

lindsey. said...

Love the pictures! You look fantastic, as does your blueberry pie. I am quite hopeful that Seattle will not be too hot for you in the next eight weeks. I am hoping the same is true for me in San Diego. Viva flip flops!