Friday, March 8, 2013

The Waiting Game

Well, still no word from the preschool, though they said they were mailing notifications out via snail mail this week. I might or might not be working from the living room with an ear bent towards the front door to hear the mailman right now...

As for the ENT appointment, it was .... inconclusive. Edie has large tonsils and her snoring and ear infections would normally lead to a tonsilectomy recommendation. BUT, 3 years is not a good age for this procedure apparently. There are more complications with bleeding in smaller children and the best age is 6-7yrs. There's also still the hope that this year is the last year in which Edie will have more than one ear infection per Cold & Flu Season, because by 4yrs her tubes will be bigger. He referred us to a sleep clinic to do a sleep lab. But this is a super stupid idea and made me all that more aware that this was not a PEDIATRIC ENT doctor like I'd been led to believe. The man either never had children or it's been so long since his kids were 3 that he doesn't remember. Because what 3 year old would sleep normally in a sleep lab situation? Any results they gathered would be useless and most certainly not covered by our self-employed health insurance. So, there you are. Right back where we started.  Oh well.

And we are still waiting for the contract for our Chicago gig, but a phone call with the client yesterday implied it's forthcoming.

Oh my god the mail is here. Gotta go.




sandralbruton said...

Woo Hoo!!!

Laura said...

Very COOL! Should I congratulate Edie or all of you?! Yay.

Laura said...

Very COOL! Should I congratulate Edie or all of you?! Yay.

lindsey. said...

Yay! Cheers to a preschool that knows a good thing when it sees one.