Saturday, September 26, 2009

The letter you've been waiting 30 years to receive

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you for not leaving me on a church doorstep when I was screaming for 3 hour straight as a newborn, thank you for rocking me until your arms hurt (and then some), thank you for probably falling asleep in a seated position on the couch instead of horizontal in the bed because that's where *I* fell asleep on your chest and you couldn't bear to wake me for fear that I would never fall back asleep again, and thank you for getting up in the middle of the night, over and over, to feed me, change me and shush me.



Betsey said...

I've thought of writing my own mother this letter many times in the past month. I hope you get a restful night tonight and not a repeat of your 5 hour scream fest.

Mary Anne said...


Anonymous said...

In the year 2039, we hope you are fortunate enough to receive a missive from Edie that was as sweet as this one. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray." sob...