Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Busy Bee

Hi there. Apologies for the infrequent posting of late. Work is picking up and with limited child care (hi Mom!), Edie's naps these days are filled with more frantic email catch-up sessions and less blog writing. The good news is that I like working again, and I think I may have found a viable daycare option for Edie one day per week, which will free up more of my time to make more money. I'll post more about this once it's a reality, but for now, I'm plugging away trying to finish Edie's 19 month letter on time. Until then...

1 comment:

Betsey said...

Emmi's letters are never on time now. Trying to hold down a 40+ hour a week job, while frantically fixing up the house to get it on the market during the good season, and also being present for Emmi makes for late letters. Instead, I just have a list going on my desk so I don't forget things!