Thursday, April 30, 2009

Daily Note: April 30, 2009

Thanks for all your nice comments about my last post. I will confess to feeling a little freaked out earlier this week, but have since simmered down. Your comments actually helped. I haven’t had any of the weird pains since Tuesday morning so I’m left guessing that they were a muscle spasm or something else random. I also found out yesterday evening that I do have a mild bladder infection (apparently my little cup of pee changed its tune after another 24 hours!), so the whole scary urine test results are explained and I’ve started on the antibiotics. Hopefully this means that all will be resolved before I hop on the plane for DC next week. I also find a slight amount of reassurance in knowing that 80% of my conference attendees next month will be doctors.

I told my parents our name choice last night so I feel like I can probably put it up here now too.

The name we’ve chosen is Edie Bee Culver. Edie being pronounced like Eee-dee, which was hopefully obvious, although I’m sure we’re fating her to many teachers calling out “Eddie” on the first day of class and her needing to correct them. We picked Edie because we love it and Bee because it’s my Grandmother’s middle name. I also like that Bee can stand for the first initial of my maiden name (Bruton) and the first initial of Jeff’s middle name, which also happened to be his grandmother’s last name (Barnes).

Last night while watching Lost, Edie was kicking so hard into my left side that I was almost more entertained by watching my stomach undulate than I was by the show. The kicks (punches?) still aren’t strong enough to hurt, but some are getting swift enough that I can’t help but stop what I’m doing in shock. I can’t imagine what they’ll feel like in another month or two.


Kathleen said...

Somehow having a name just made this all so much more real! What a thrill - sweet little Edie Bee. I can't wait to meet her. If I told you guys "great job," would that sound weird? I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I love it! That's so funny because it was actually one of our name choices when we had it narrowed down to three. I believe that Bee is possibly the best middle name for little Edie!

Mary Anne said...

Yay for Edie Bee!!! I heart it...