Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I say this with the full knowledge that every parent believes their child to be a genius (and really, aren't they all?). As well as the full disclosure that tonight, Edie put an empty Goldfish cracker box from Costco over her head and stood still while clapping for herself. But you guys! Out of nowhere, Edie said "elephant" yesterday! While pointing at a picture of an elephant. And she pronounced it accurately! It blew my mind. She's been holding out on me.

Anyways, here's a cute photo of my brother Scott and his wife Emily with Edie (and me). They came over earlier this week and we were flipping through the book Jeff surprised me with for Christmas. We had promised no gifts for each other this year, but he designed and had printed a book called "ONE" which includes all my monthly letters to Edie, along with photos from her entire first year. I love it so much. But Edie loves it a bit more. She kept trying to rip the pages to turn them faster and Aunt Emily kept saying "careful" until Edie started repeating her. She'd say "ca-ful" and then violently try to turn the page.


Katie Ann Brooks said...

smart little cookie and lovely gift from the hubby!

sandralbruton said...

It is a WONDERFUL book. I can see why Edie is enamored of it!

Betsey said...

David's been working on doing this with posts about pregnancy and Emmi's first year. The only part is trying to figure out the binding - that binding is fabulous - did Jeff do it himself or did he have it done? If so, where?

lindsey. said...

She is so smart! And I love the book idea.