You are quite possibly the proudest baby ever. I will say in your defense that this month you have much to be proud of.
You still haven't hit your stride with solid foods, but we're taking small steps in that department. It's not that you're picky about what foods you'll eat, it seems more the whole idea of eating in general that's not appealing. You'll take a few bites of just about anything, but when it comes time to really chow down, you lose interest pretty much every time. That said, we have had a few foods that struck your fancy of late - yogurt and baked beans to name two.
You recently started clapping and went through a brief phase of clapping every time I walked into the room. It was maybe the best thing ever and I'm sad it passed. You're starting to try waving and doing the sign for "milk" but they look remarkably similar so I'm never sure if you're waving to me, asking for a bottle, or just raising your hand and making a fist for no reason.
You have become incredibly verbal this month. The "cat scratch incident" did nothing to dampen your enthusiasm for the cat. In fact you are making every attempt to make Cat your first word. You've begun to yell "Da!" every time the cat shows up and in more focused moments, you listen to me say "cat" and then try out a very intentional, "dat" of your own. It's Adorable with a capital A. You also (finally) added mama to your frequently used consonants which of course I adore. Sometimes I'll say "I'm giving you a kiss!" and you'll say "diss!". It would appear that in your world, everything starts with D. On a less impressive (but very entertaining) note, you also frequently do this new face-scrunching thing and then huff and puff in a very angry looking manner. It's weird but very funny.
Since recovering from your first cold last month, you've returned to sleeping well, including taking two regular naps each day. Your bed time is 8pm and you wake up pretty close to 7am sharp each day, singing and standing in your crib.
You love a good adventure, and are incredibly snuggly. When I say "up?" to you, you frequently will hold both arms up for me to pick you up, as if to answer, "Yes! Up!" and it makes me feel all marshmallowy inside.
love you Shorts,