Thursday, November 13, 2014

October Photo dump

We are very into the monkey bars right now. Like, VERY. And by "we" I mean Edie. Because I am actually pretty bored with sitting in the cold watching her swing to the second bar and then fall to the ground over and over. That said, I'm not a total jerk and it's touching to see how determined she is to get better. It's also been a little challenging to figure out the right way to encourage her efforts when she's being met with such slow progress. These things take time. The problem I think is that she's just so little. She can barely reach and we've had a hard time finding smaller monkey bar options that might offer her more success. This was taken at the playground across the street from her school where her class does recess, just before daylight savings, which has since eliminated our post-school practice sessions. She still begs to try during the weekends when it's not too wet and she's seeing some improvements. She can now make it to the third ring! Sometimes. It broke my heart a little when she finally got frustrated after about the 500th fall and said, "everyone in my class can do it! I'm terrible!!"

Heading out for our neighborhood halloween parade for the kiddies:

She did the parade with her neighbor pal Elana, here they are at the park afterwards sharing a Kit Kat:

Edie with her cousin Luna during Luna's 2nd birthday party:

Inspecting her scrambled eggs for pepper. I told her there was none, but she didn't believe me and proceeded to get her flashlight out to prove me wrong:
With her best friend Shreya. These two are completely inseparable. It's so nice that they have each other and I think Shreya is such a good little match for Edie - they have similar wits, temperaments, and share a strong passion for drawing princesses, cats, and everything Frozen. Every day, Edie comes home with cards that Shreya made her during art and all the pictures she draws at night are of her and Shreya in ball gowns.
My apple pie for an early Thanksgiving dinner with my family (work and life conflicts required an early get together):

A hilarious diorama Edie created with her Playmobile kit inside one of Jeff's organizing boxes that he usually uses for receipts:
My other adorable niece, Caroline wearing my big dangly earrings hooked around the top of her ears and feeling awfully proud:


sandralbruton said...

Killing me with the flashlight / pepper search photo...
Are there jungle gym gloves?xo
That pie was soooo delicious.

lindsey. said...

That first picture of Edie with Luna? OMG. Edie is so very, very lovely. The monkey bars were a big thing with Marina at the start of the school year as well. She was all ambition and determination for a week or two and then, upon not seeing the success she was hoping for, she ditched the monkey bars in favor of "playing kitty" with her cronies. Love the flashlight pepper search. She is hilarious.