Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Fall photos

A few photos from our first Fall in the Ham.

We walked all the way downtown one September Saturday and visited the Farmers Market.
On the walk/scoot back we partially took the trail the connects the Boulevard to the market. There are all sorts of secret businesses that open up onto the path. I didn't know most of them were there and it was like entering a Sunset magazine spread. Edie is sitting on the curb on the left of the path:
We had a playdate with my friend Cari and her daughters in Hovander:

We had overnight visitors, which equaled a dog pile of boys and Edie. She made some "no boys allowed" signs and did some serious tattling, but otherwise held her own and had a great time:
Edie "Got Caught" Being a "Lowell Leader" at school:
Edie and I had a girls weekend in Seattle, which equaled playdates with old preschool friends, a birthday party for Shreya, a girls night for me, a quick visit to baby Otis, and a excitable pancake morning at Darrah's (where we stayed the night):

To give full coverage of the "Culver Experience" we must also include this photo of Edie having a total raging fit over… I can't even remember. I DO remember that after I took this photo she screamed at me so loud that it ruptured my ear drum. Oh wait! Maybe this was the fit when I told her she couldn't have dessert after which I questioned every parenting decision I've ever made.
Edie reading a new book to Grandma and Grandpa:
Edie and I worked all week on this 550 piece puzzle:
Luna's 3rd birthday:
Wesley's 1st birthday the next day:

1 comment:

Darrah said...

Hmmm, can't wait to check out that Sunset Magazine spread in Bham, intriguing! You are welcome back any time for pancakes :) We miss you!