Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Sadly, it appears that our cat Mortimer is gone. We came home Sunday from a weekend away and haven't seen him since. This offers a pretty big window during which he could have wandered off, been hit by a car, found a new home, or had a fight with the neighborhood raccoons. It's impossible to know whether he's just wandered too far from home and is having a grand adventure or if we saw the last of him on Friday afternoon when we pulled out of the driveway.

We've posted to Craigslist, the neighborhood Mom's list, the neighborhood blog, and papered the neighborhood with homemade flyers, just in case. I was tipped off this afternoon to a vague note about 13 blocks north of us posted to a telephone pole that says someone found an injured cat fitting Mort's description, took him to a vet and he had to be put to sleep on Friday. There is no contact info on the note, and the name of the vet they took him to isn't listed. I've called every vet in North Seattle, including the city-wide hotlines and none have accepted a black cat in the last 5 days. All said that it was vet policy to scan for microchips before putting a "found cat" to sleep and Mort is microchipped. No calls have been made in for his microchip. I fear the reason the note is so vague and weird is that they accidentally hit Mort, buried him, and felt too bad about it to tell the whole truth and/or leave their info. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I guess only time will tell...


Unknown said...

sorry dude. I liked Mort. I'm holding out some hope that he's just on a good summer adventure.

You could maybe try posting something on that that post where you saw the vague description with your email or a email address, asking for more details???


Amanda Buchan said...

ugh so sorry. It's good he's microchipped. I hope you find out the truth soon, I like Katherine's idea.

Darrah said...

so sorry to hear this jill. i hope he comes home soon.

Kathleen said...

Oh guys, I'm so sorry! For you all and for Mimi! How is she doing? I agree, I like to think of him on a kitty road trip, sleeping on people's porches and laying in their catnip patches and sampling from all the cat food dishes...
We lost Nelson (Fred's sidekick) when I was little and I spent years going up to all the blackish-brown cats I saw in the area in the hopes it might be him...I still remember one of those cats being a little weirded out and scratching me, and how insulted my ego was thinking it might have been him.
Sigh. Squeeze Mimi for me.