Monday, June 24, 2013

Girls Weekend

We spent a girls weekend at Birch Bay a week ago. Antics were had.

We waded out for ages to get to the low tide. Kristin waded further and went SWIMMING.

Heidi made us greek food for dinner on Friday.
And then spent some time stressing out about grad school:
While the rest of us walked the beach:
Saturday included homemade cocktails, bocci, dancing, wine, reliving karaoke routines from our 20's, Center Stage, and more wine.

I am required to include the caption "Bocci Champion" under this one.
Bocci losers.
Former Pagliacci employee Pepper Johnson is put to work:
Sadly, my homemade dough was deemed too sloppy to toss.

Slicin' strawberries:
Group Selfie!


sandralbruton said...

Everyone keep their eyes out for a oldie croquet set please and let me know! You women are the bomb!!!

Kristin said...

These pics are great..thanks for posting! XOXO Pepper

Unknown said...

totes jelly